We had a fabulous time at our 33rd annual Golf Outing at Brookledge Golf Club on Friday, June 10, 2022. Attendance was at an all-time high! Our events would not be possible with the support of our sponsors and members. Much thanks to our sponsors:
Premier Sponsors: Armor Mortgage & Continuing Healthcare of Cuyahoga Falls

- Lunch Sponsor: CC Realty and Property Management
- Cart Sponsor: Minnesota Insured Title Agency
- Beer and Beverage Sponsor: Digital Sandwich
- Continental Breakfast Sponsor: Danbury Senior Living
- 9th Hole Break Sponsor: County Executive Ilene Shapiro
- Driving Range Sponsor: Liberty Mutual Insurance
- Photo Sponsor: Global Business Consultants
- Golf Scorecard Sponsor: Minuteman Press, Stow
- All of our Hole Sponsors: KAZ Company, Bober Markey Fedorovich, Larsco Construction, Integrity Staffing, Portage Community Bank, Westfield Bank, Western Reserve Hospital, National Church Residences/NE Professional Home Care, Express Employment Professionals
Northwestern Mutual, ComDoc, Ruoff Mortgage – Russ Iona, Great Lakes Honda, Bath Creek Estates, Premier Bank, Silco Fire & Security, and Carriage Realty
We also want to thank all of our members who donated raffle and goody bag items.
Special thanks to Cuyahoga Falls Fire Department for assisting with our Ball Drop Contest, Event Chair Neil Lindgren, and to all of our dedicated volunteers.
Below are photos from the event. Click on an image to see larger version, then right click to save image. Feel free to share on social. If you would like to receive a hi-resolution version of any image, please contact Jillian Harman.